3 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Boiler Serviced in the Summer
The weather is looking good (some days, at least) and the great outdoors is calling to you. Your boiler is probably the last thing on your mind but the summer months are actually the best time to get your appliance serviced, so before you start packing your bags and heading away for your holiday you might want to spare a thought for your central heating system. Here’s why:
- Be prepared for winter – The worst time to find out there is a problem with your boiler is when you need it the most. It’s best to get your boiler serviced in the warmer months so that you know it’s going to be in good working order when it starts getting cold. The last thing you want is to put your central heating on in October and realize it isn’t working, having to deal with your family routine being disrupted while the problem is being fixed.itched off for a long period of time can cause your boiler to seize up and put your pipes at risk of corrosion.
- Winter is the busiest time of year for plumbers – How many call-outs do you think plumbers get in the summer compared to winter? While other people may be switching on their heating in autumn to find there is a problem with their system or remembering that they need to arrange a service, you can get ahead of the game. In summer there are fewer boiler services and repair call-outs, so take advantage of this and book an appointment at a time that’s convenient for you.
- Boilers need consistent care – Many boiler breakdowns are caused by poor maintenance, and this can be because the boiler is not used or looked after as much during the summer months. Leaving your system switched off for months at a time can put the pipes at risk of corrosion. The winter months can also take their toll as your boiler is in constant use, so it’s a good idea to get your boiler serviced in the summer after this period of heavy usage. A serviced boiler is not only a boiler you can rely on, but it is also much safer as poorly maintained boilers increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.